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Remember when people were so used to consuming 16:9 aspect ratio videos that even the slightest change in video proportions felt jarring? Nowadays, however, with the increase in popularity of social media platforms such as Snapchat and Instagram, people have become more accustomed to watching vertical videos.

In fact, this trend has been on the rise for a while now, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. For those who don’t know, vertical videos are videos with a taller aspect ratio than the traditional 16:9 widescreen format. The trend’s rise in popularity can be attributed to the fact that it is more convenient for many factors.

So why has this trend caught on? Well, there are a few reasons:

1. It’s more convenient

Previously, videos were designed to be watched in a horizontal orientation. However, vertical videos have become increasingly popular with the rise of smartphones and other portable devices. There are several advantages to this format.

First, it is more convenient to hold a phone or tablet in a vertical position than in a horizontal one. Second, vertical videos take up less screen space, making them ideal for viewing on small screens. Most people have a limited amount of attention span, so being able to watch a video without having to scroll is a plus.

Finally, vertical videos are more engaging than horizontal ones, as they better use the limited space available. As a result, vertical videos are more likely to hold viewers’ attention and deliver a positive viewing experience.

2. It’s more engaging

As mentioned earlier, the limited space on a vertical screen makes for a more engaging experience. This is because vertical videos are more immersive than horizontal ones when you use a small device to watch. When watching a vertical video, viewers feel right in the middle of the action.

This is why it’s perfect for advertising and marketing purposes. With a vertical video, businesses can deliver more impactful and memorable messages. Competitive video marketing agencies have started to capitalize on this trend and are producing more vertical videos for their clients.

Engagement is one thing that creators of vertical videos should focus on. This is because vertical videos are not as easy to scroll past, unlike horizontal videos. Viewers who start watching a vertical video are more likely to finish it. This increased engagement can lead to a better return of investment for businesses and creators alike.

A woman shooting a vertical video using her phone

3. It’s more intimate

When you watch a vertical video on your phone, you feel like the person in the video is talking to you directly. This is due to the fact that vertical videos make better use of personal space. A horizontal video makes the person in the video feel farther away and less connected to the viewer.

However, with a vertical video, intimacy increases, as the person in the video feels closer to the viewer. This is why vertical videos are perfect for vloggers and other content creators who want to connect with their audience on a more personal level.

4. It can reach a lot of audiences

With the advent of TikTok and other short-form video platforms, vertical videos have become even more popular. These platforms are perfect for vertical videos designed to be watched on a phone or tablet.

Moreover, the shorter length of these videos makes them ideal for social media. With TikTok alone, there are over 1 billion monthly active users, representing a huge potential audience for creators of vertical videos.

Reaching audiences on social media is key for any business or creator. With the help of vertical videos, you can expand your reach and connect with more people than ever.

5. It’s opened doors for creativity

Over time, creators have learned how to use the format to their advantage, and vertical videos are now prized for their unique storytelling potential. One of the best things about vertical videos is that they can be viewed without interruption, even if the viewer is doing something else simultaneously.

This makes them perfect for quick hits of information or entertainment and explains why many social media platforms have embraced this format. For example, Instagram Reels and Snapchat are both built around vertical videos, and there’s no doubt that these platforms would look very different if they had been designed with horizontal videos in mind.

So while it may have once been seen as a gimmick, the vertical video format is now an essential part of the online landscape.

The vertical video trend has had several positive impacts on the internet. As the trend continues to grow, more positive effects will likely be seen. This trend has given internet users a new way to consume content and has made it easier for content creators to reach their audiences. That’s why it’s not going away anytime soon.

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