Back in the days, couples would exchange rings, trinkets, and other personal items to showcase their love and affection in front of a professional videographer at their wedding. But these days, more and more couples are getting relationship tattoos as a mark of their devotion. Body art was once frowned upon, but now, people are… Continue reading The Best Couple Tattoos That Elevate Relationship Goals
Category: Lifestyle
Sharp to Cozy: The Best Flannel Shirts for Whenever
We may earn a commission from every qualified purchase made from our affiliate links. The flannel shirt is probably the most reliable piece of wardrobe in any man’s closet. It’s beyond the fleeting promise of trends. It crosses demographics and subcultures, i.e., a hipster can walk around Williamsburg in it just as a lumberjack… Continue reading Sharp to Cozy: The Best Flannel Shirts for Whenever
Becoming a Neckbeard: Stereotypical or Stylish and Trendy?
What is it with facial hair that people just attach certain labels to someone who has it? If you’re not some hipster sporting a handlebar mustache, you’re a cybergeek hiding out in a basement with a full-on, unkempt beard. Think Kevin Smith’s character in “Live Free or Die Hard.” But no other bearded fella has… Continue reading Becoming a Neckbeard: Stereotypical or Stylish and Trendy?
The Shemagh: Should You Wear This Uber Cool Accessory?
Disclaimer: Everybody’s gotta make a living, brother. So this post has affiliate links. When you clink on one, we earn something from what you buy. What’s in a piece of garment? Throughout history, people have used clothing or accessories to say something or stand for something. In the 19th century, rioters put on party-colored sashes… Continue reading The Shemagh: Should You Wear This Uber Cool Accessory?
3 Ways the Pandemic Affected the Wedding Industry
Nothing will ever be the same again after the pandemic, and no other industry felt this quite like the wedding industry did. It was one of the fastest-growing commerce until the outbreak happened, and it was expected to grow even bigger in the years to come. Now it seems this prediction will take a lot… Continue reading 3 Ways the Pandemic Affected the Wedding Industry
How to Grow a Handlebar Mustache Like a Sexy Beast
Wyatt Earp. Joseph Stalin. Mr. Monopoly. An odd company of men, yes, but these famous (and infamous) chaps have one thing in common: the ‘stache that’s lush and bushy in the middle and slightly curving out at the ends. The handlebar mustache is unmistakably iconic not just for its feature role on prominent men but… Continue reading How to Grow a Handlebar Mustache Like a Sexy Beast
Escaping the 9-5: Unique Freelance Jobs You Can Do
As children, most of us were asked what job we would like to have when we grew up. Some would answer, after much prodding from parents, high-earning professions such as lawyers, doctors, and business leaders. Others who were already bitten by the creative bug would mention ballerinas, artists, and video game designers. No matter their… Continue reading Escaping the 9-5: Unique Freelance Jobs You Can Do
How to transform a casual relationship into something more meaningful?
For many singles, online dating is a convenient way of meeting a diverse range of prospective partners in a short period. Having so much choice at your fingertips – literally – often leaves the members of these sites with a sense of impatience. While they’re getting on well with another user, they might already be… Continue reading How to transform a casual relationship into something more meaningful?
How Photographers Can Make More Money During the Pandemic
The coronavirus outbreak hasn’t been kind to the creative industry. Photographers who used to travel the world for photoshoots are now stuck at home teaching their kids their homeschooling lessons. While being a parent is a noble venture, the loss of income will eventually take its toll on these people. Don’t fret because there are… Continue reading How Photographers Can Make More Money During the Pandemic